‘Legacy’ – One simple word which encapsulates the entire life’s work of every single organism that had been, and is walking on the Earth’s surface. The attempt to make one’s own identity distinguished and it being recognized by others is what life is all about: Leaving your mark! It is this idea which had originated with the very beginning of life, about marking one’s own territory through markings and symbolizations.
From flags of respective nations, to names of respective territories, to the one-of-a-kind fingerprint of each and every human, a unique mark is indispensable for creating one’s own identity and hosting it as a mark of recognition, to be acknowledged by others. And in the modern world of globalization, a product or an organization without an identity is as good as no organization at all, which signifies the importance of a logo – trademark emblem that has the power of representing an entire organization of every possible scale: ranging from domestic to multinational. However, there’s a reason why specific logos remain in the mind of the viewers while most others fade away. Which is why, we are going to put before you the following tips to create an impressive logo:
Logo and Tagline: A Dynamic Duo!
Just do it. Because I’m worth it. I’m lovin’ it. It is really interesting that most of the iconic logos of the most famous brands in the world have two things in common:
a) They include one-liner taglines
b) They use simple language, with no usage of complex words
Now by making the brand caption user-friendly, it creates a sense of comfort between the brand and the user, thus highlighting the significance of a simple, yet suitable tagline with the logo. Because the logo combined with its caption, sends a stronger message about the objective of the brand through symbolism and simple words, thereby becoming a client-favorite in no time.
Keep it short and simple my friend; the logo will never go out of trend
From a pair of blue and red domino dices, to a simple yellow alphabet ‘M’ on a red background; the most popular never go extravagant when it comes to colors; which is a very wise decision as well. Spare no expense in the quality, if the product, garnering positive client feedback, and keeping the logo simple enough to stay in the mind of the buyers, leads to a huge expansion of clientele, thereby making them come back again and again for more, solidifying the relation between the buyers and the brand. Usage of contrasting colors is a very important aspect to keep the logo simple, yet visually attractive. Pairing light colors with light, or dark colors with dark often gets the logo emblem blended with its background, making it difficult to get viewed from a distance.
Taking a proper care in developing your brand and by following the above-mentioned points to create a matching logo for your brand, in no time shall help it rise to new heights of popularity, becoming a symbol, known by all. It is true, that we are defined not by our names, but by our deeds; however, it requires a symbol to represent the hard work and the fruits of labor, so that others can look up to the symbol; either to benefit from it, or to be inspired from it.