When it comes to feelings and emotions, people tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves showing openly what they experience and go through. And when it comes to the corporate world of enterprises and industries, victory comes not to those who can wear not their hearts, but to those who can wear (read: utilize) their business cards on their sleeves.
Just like a heart symbolizes emotions, a business card symbolizes professionalism. The importance of a business card in the world of corporate ventures is as important as a job resume of an applicant; the more unique and interesting it appears, the stronger the chances of making a memorable impression on business partners, clients, target audiences and every other person who goes through the display and the details mentioned in the business card.
From the past days of an offline system to the modern world of globalization, although technology and business objectives have taken a giant leap in the last couple of centuries, the replacement of the business card has not been found yet. Such is the magnitude of this pocket-sized card, it encompasses the full designation, experience and job description of the yielder of the card, therefore, not only directly influencing the impact of the professional workplace of the individual, but also the social status, image and overall reputation, which are largely based on the position and level of power owned by an individual in his/her workplace.
Being regarded as an indispensable factor of recognition and respect, yet possessing the size of something that can be easily fit in the palm, coming up with a stylized, sleek business card highlighting the roles and responsibilities of its bearer can be quite a challenging task. It needs to be kept in mind that we don’t want a factual paragraph or a pretty poster; hence, special care must be taken to not to tip off the balance between facts and display layout.
With the rapid growth of urbanization and the business developments in metropolitan cities such as Kolkata, the demand for premium business cards has also been increasing progressively, and since it requires a certain level of expertise to create them, we bring before you the best recommendations to design business cards like a professional and to become one of the best business card designing services in Kolkata:
First Things First: Decide What To Write, And Where To Write
- In the world of custom business card design service, the deciding factor of whether a designing service will rise or fall is determined by a single criterion: Attention to detail. Just like there exists a strong competition in every domain across the world, so is the competition of showcasing oneself better than the others. Therefore, one has to be very precise and calculative about the details and the information which deserves a place in the business card.
- Agreed, every individual has quite a number of accomplishments across his/her life; however, considering the fact that we can’t make business cards as large as postcards, it is very important to filter and sort which facts and figures are to be mentioned.
- An honest and thorough discussion with the client is very important to make sure that the recruiting company is satisfied with the contents of the card. Secondly, we all can feel certain qualities of a card while holding it – for example, paper quality, thickness and the texture of the card. Hence, the material of the business card also plays an important role in the overall business card design.
- Regular discussions with the clientele, while offering them a sample version of the business cards is very important since the feedback is essential for further improvisation (if needed) for a perfect finish.
Color And Font Coordination: A Much Overlooked, Yet Crucial Factor
- Imagine you saw a business card with a black background and brown italic fonts, making the writing barely visible; a business card of such color combination has very thin chances of getting any attention, because let’s be honest, if a card needs to be brought really close to the face and viewed through narrowed eyes to make the letters visible, then the business card doesn’t serve its purpose at all i.e., making a clear, visible impression.
- Choosing the color of fonts and the color of the card must be done while keeping in mind that the information mentioned on the business card needs to be visible enough to be read by naked eyes. The color or font styles for employees of the same organization are often designed in a uniform manner, which goes with the brand logo of the company.
- Since prominent cities like Kolkata are home to the establishments of several multinational corporations, therefore, creating the same style and theme for business cards for employees of all the regional offices of the same corporation is a strict rule followed by reputed designers such as business card designing services in Kolkata. Also, the font and style need to be prominent enough to catch attention (font size of 9pts or above is preferable). The selection of font style may vary from a formal tone to a casual one, based on the company or the individual being represented by it.
Keep The Details, But Keep The Space As Well
- The sole purpose of a business card is to highlight the best roles and positions owned by its owner. However, cramming the business card with too much information has quite a reverse effect on the viewers. Furthermore, having too much writing on a card that can easily fit in our fists, the business card designer will have no choice but to use a smaller font size to fit in all the facts and figures enclosed in such a small space.
- This makes it really hard to focus on what’s written on the card, and without proper spacing and alignment, makes it difficult to read the card details (for example, name, contact, designation, previous role) one by one.
- Therefore, balancing the amount of information and the amount of spacing between the information is very important since it provides the necessary contrast needed to separate one fact from the other. It also maintains the aesthetic aspect of the card. Adequate spacing also reflects the color of the background, adding a certain visual appeal, thereby, grabbing more attention.
A Piece Of Graphic Display Can Be A Nice Touch
- Clip art of a slice of pizza on the business card of a restaurateur or a sketch of a bouquet on the business card of a florist…inclusion of subtle graphic contents often amplifies the impact of a business card. Many professional designers, for example, the business card designing services in Kolkata follow this principle of “adding something complimentary as an extra.”
- Designing business cards while adding pictures or images that are related to the purpose or profession of the owner of the card has proven to be quite a good idea, since miniature art forms enhance the visual impact, making the business cards appear easily distinguishable.
- However, attention must be given to make sure the graphic content does not exceed its allotted space in the card because the key idea is to amplify the information featured in the card, not to overshadow it.
- Usage of the company logo or the signature of the card owner as a watermark is also a popular concept that guarantees the authenticity of the business card, thanks to the watermark, making it a class apart from other business cards, because of the attention paid to the card details. This is exactly where custom business card design service comes in – providing the personalized finishing touches which satisfies the expectations of the clients.
- Just like the pairing of the background and font color, the graphic art also needs to be selected in a manner that matches the overall color tone of the card. These details may seem like minute and negligible factors; however, it is these very aspects that determine the ultimate designer in the global domain of business card designing.
Our lives are valued not by our names, but by our deeds and achievements. And one of the best ways to showcase our accomplishments, our degrees and our positions to everyone in an elegant manner is through stylized business cards (well we can’t always travel around with our folder of CV or resume to show to others, can we?); something which can be done easily by following the above-mentioned points.
Furthermore, high-quality business card designing services are always held in high regard because not only do they create customized cards based on the varying requirements from person to person, but since the business card is considered to be one of the best ways to represent oneself both in social circles and professional domains, hence, in a way, business card designers play a key role in establishing a strong impression and reputation of its clients as well !